Sunday, January 17, 2010

First Two Weeks

These first two weeks certainly did fly by. I finally have a day to sit down, relax, write and post pictures!

Our first day was spent in Managua doing some site-seeing. There were wire Christmas trees everywhere, left up from last year's Christmas. They are now called "Revolution Trees"...but I say it's just an excuse for being lazy and not taking them down.

We spent a morning at The Canopy and four of us did the zip line.

This part we were able to zip on our own...but for some of the other lengths we had to go with a guide in some pretty awkward positions.

Meeting my host family that day was wonderful. I live with Illiana, her husband, daughter Melba, Melba's daughter Frana, and Illiana's son. But I only spent one night before heading up to Ocotal for the week to live with Don Mauricio, Priscilla and their granddaughter, Lucia.

This is a view from the top of the mountain above the Ranchon. I worked on trails for ecotourism for the week, with Emily from Geneseo. We had to climb the same mountain six times in three days because we were expected back for lunch...I never appreciated packed lunches more!!

The last day in Ocotal we met up with Wes and Patrick (Peace Corps volunteers) to build a brick oven for the Ranchon.

The "cement" is made up of dirt, a gel from the inside of a plant...and horse poop. A metal barrel is used for the inside and all the bricks are hand made here.

Upon returning that night we showered quickly to make it to the Geneseo office to teach an English class. After class we went to the Hotel Blanco to meet with the mayor of the town...who never showed up. But apparently that is quite characteristic of her.

The next day we had a bike tour of El Sauce with our tour guide/english student, Ronald.

One of many bridges we passed--often flood during the rainy season--one of which collapsed recently because of flooding and a large tree colliding into it.

Cows...just like home.

We spent that first weekend in Leon, again doing some touristy things.

A tour of the second biggest cathedral in Central America took us to the top for some views. Nicaragua was supposed to have the first biggest, but the same architect was hired for two different projects and the plans were mixed up and the cathedrals built at the opposite sites.

A day at the beach at Leon. Yaci, one of the two people I will be working with very closely for the next five months! And she WILL love every minute of it :)

After a nice, relaxing weekend in Leon, I spent one night with my host family back in El Sauce before heading back to Ocotal for another week of working on trails. This time I stayed with Emilliano and his family.


Marco and Mercedes...his two youngest kids and my new best friends.

At the top of the trail we finished.

Raul, Emilliano's oldest son.

...and they love frisbee just like me...destined to be friends :)
(chupacabras--they show a lot of promise for the future)

I am now back in El Sauce. Kellan and Yaci took the students to the airport this weekend and I stayed behind to spend some time with my family. It's been great to have a free weekend. Wes, his brother Ryan, and I went to a rodeo Friday night. The festival, El Cristo Negro, is going on right now and should last about a week. About 30,000 people migrate to El Sauce during this time so the streets are packed with venders and outsiders. Everyone keeps reminding me to be careful and not to walk around alone. I don't plan on it either. Everywhere I go people yell out comments and grab my hair and try petting it...not the most comfortable situation!

Sorry I didn't describe the details of my trip so far--the internet is very slow. But know that I am loving everything so far :)


  1. Sam-Jam!

    We are SO glad that you are having such a fabulous time. Glad to know that you are safe and doing well. It looks like you are having QUITE the adventure.

    Know that we are praying for you & love you!

    Christina & the R's

  2. Sam! You look great and it looks like you are having an awesome time. Im praying for you and I know that God is using you in amazing ways. Cant wait for your next update!

  3. Sam, I know you are working hard and being a blessing, but I think you are getting the bigger blessing. I don't mean just in your heart but, YOU HAVE SHORTS ON!!! You don't know how cold we are here. Glad to see and read your updates, keep up the good work. Praise the Lord, The Jennings
